September Member of the Month





1: Where are you from originally?
2. What is your favorite WOD/movement?
3. What is your least favorite WOD/ Movement?

Front squat

4. What were you doing before CrossFit? How did you hear about CrossFit and/ CrossFit Northlake?

Just working out in a regular gym

5. What other sports or activities do you participate in as a family besides CrossFit?
6. How many times per week do you CrossFit?
Four times a week
7. Give us some insight as to your thoughts after your first workout at CrossFit Northlake.

That it was going be a challenge
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8. Do you have any special or favorite CrossFit Northlake memories/moments?
My favorite memory is when I completed my first WOD before the time cap.
9. What advice would you give to a newbie or someone just joining CrossFit Northlake?
I would advise anyone looking that is interested in going to Northlake to take it one day at a time. It’s just a mindset that you have to have to have fun with this sport.

10. What is your eating style?

Eat clean and healthy

11. What kind of results have you seen since starting at CrossFit Northlake
I’m getting better at all the movements since working out at 12:30 everyday with JB.
12. What drives you to be an active person? 

I want to be as healthy as I can be.

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